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Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Our passion is to help empower people to take steps towards optimal health and wellbeing through sharing knowledge and experience of how using natural ingredients can make nourishing and powerful products.


Environmental sustainability and fairness to other people are paramount in the way we source ingredients and the way we work. As far as we can, we endeavour to use the most natural and Fairtrade ingredients possible in our workshops. We have also made a commitment to donate a percentage of our profits to, raise awareness about or hold workshops for a chosen charity that we are passionate about, each quarter.


We are proud and excited to also offer free community places, from 2016, for those, from very low incomes backgrounds (such as those on state benefits), who want to learn how to make beautiful sustainable and natural products for themselves and their homes. We'll teach, give resources and help support them become T~W~O Natural Living Ambassadors in order to train others in their communities. 


Free workshops will also be available as part of therapeutic sessions for women and girls that have survived sex trafficking, as we are passionate about helping vulnerable women and girls gain healthy, life enhancing skills in a nurturing, safe and supportive environment.


We see social and environmental equity as indivisible and so are committed to sourcing our ingredients responsibly and from where we can see a clear supply chain. This includes the paper we use to make beautiful recipe books for you; the ingredients for the gourmet dishes we make together, the nourishing essential and base oils, and the natural fabrics we source.


We are conscious of how our money is invested and so have also very carefully chosen to put our money safely with a bank that only invests in community and sustainability based projects, rather than the extractive, arms-related or exploitative industries. 


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